Dear CESASC Members and Friends,
The Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) will be hosting a seminar on Cloud Computing, which is a hot topic in the science and technology community. The content of the seminar is suitable to the general public who is interested in this topic and will be presented mainly in Chinese language.
Time: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, September 5, 2015 (Saturday)
Location: Radio Golden Vintage (金华之声广播电台大厅)
601 Las Tunas Drive, #100, Arcadia, CA 91007
1:30pm – 2:00pm, Registration and Networking
2:00pm – 3:00pm, Featured Presentation: “PaaS Evolution and Building an Open Enterprise PaaS Cloud Platform (云平台的演化及打造开放的企业级云计算PaaS平台)” By Dr. Wei-Min Lu,CEO of Anchora/MoPaaS
3:00pm – 3:30pm, Panel Discussions with Dr. Wei-Min Lu and Dr. Peter Zhang
Cost: $5 per person (To Be Collected at the Door)
Seats are limited! Please register at to secure your seat.
主题演讲题目 / Presentation Title
PaaS Evolution and Building an Open Enterprise PaaS Cloud Platform
演讲者 / Speaker
鲁为民博士,魔泊云公司执行长 / Dr. Wei-Min Lu,CEO of Anchora/MoPaaS
摘要 / Abstract
移动优先(Mobile-First)和云原生(Cloud-Native)已成为企业云架构的基本要求。本讲演结合开源云平台技术的价值的分析以及开放的云计算发展的趋势,特别介绍怎样利用包括 Cloud Foundry 和 Docker 在内的开源技术构建企业级云平台以及其开放的云服务生态系统,包括支持企业级云平台移动优先和云原生架构及实现其开放服务生态系统实现架构和思路,特别是讲演将侧重通过开放开源的技术来实现企业级云计算的基本需求,涉及到:
平台技术的融合:为满足企业级云计算服务的灵活性和可用性,怎样实现开放云计算技术的相互渗透和融合,动态地提供多元的计算资源,包括 整合企业的多种云计算模式:1). IaaS vs. PaaS (基础资源 vs.应用资源);2) 动态提供和管理多元计算资源:VMs vs. 容器; 3). 简化应用生命周期管理:高效的应用和服务开发、部署和运维。
Mobile-first and cloud-native become basic requirements of enterprise IT cloud architectures. As an integral part of enterprise cloud computing solutions, PaaS plays a key role in continuously delivering business values and building sustainable competitive market advantages for enterprises. In this talk, we will discuss how to leverage open cloud technologies, such as cloud foundry and docker, to build an enterprise cloud platform solution that enables continuous innovation with mobile-first and cloud-native considerations and create an open cloud service ecosystem, including how to design their architectures; in particular, we will cover the following topics:
The merging of cloud technologies. Integrating and consolidating different open cloud technologies to enable multi-granular resource allocation and management to provide the desirable flexibility and visibility for enterprise IT architectures and meet different business application needs.
Consolidating various cloud computing models, such as IaaS and PaaS, to offer computing resources ranging from infrastructure to applications.
Providing multi-granular computing resources, such as VMs and containerized resources of various sizes to meet applications’ needs.
Streamlining app lifecycle management to for the users to effectively manage their app development, deployment, and operations.
Micro-service architecture. Leveraging micro-service architecture to build a flexible enterprise cloud platform that supports cloud-native enterprise applications.
演讲者简介 / Brief Bio of Speaker
鲁为民博士是安尚云信(ANCHORA)的创始人和执行长。他在云计算、信息存储、大数据、机器学习、和自动控制系统等领域具有丰富理论和实践经验,先后获得中国清华大学学士和硕士及美国加州理工学院博士学位。在主流国际学术期刊和国际会议上发表了超过50篇学术论文、其中包括IEEE Transactions上发表的超过10篇长文,另外取得了多项美国和中国发明专利。他拥有超过十五年在美国硅谷从事高科技产品研发、市场营销、以及项目团队管理的经验。他先后在美国国家宇航局喷气推进实验室 (NASA JPL)、硅谷IT初创公司、以及跨国企业IBM 等从事多年高科技产品的研究和开发。他于2010年创办了安尚云信(ANCHORA),为企业级用户提供智能化云计算平台产品和服务,并提供中国首个开放中立的公有云应用引擎MoPaaS(魔泊云;。
Dr. Wei-Min Lu is the founder and CEO of Anchora, which is the leading cloud platform solution provider in China that builds the first open PaaS platform solution in China that enables both the first public open cloud platform service (MoPaaS: 魔泊云; and an enterprise-class PaaS cloud platform solution (MoPaaS enterprise) that facilitates flexible management and dynamic allocation of multi-granular computing resources as well as agile continuous application delivery through streamlined app life-cycle management. Dr. Lu has over 15 year experiences in product development and marketing. Before he founded Anchora in 2010, he served in key engineering and management positions at IBM and NASA-JPL, etc. He has solid background in cloud computing, cybernetics, machine learning, information retrieval, and storage technologies. He received the Ph.D. degree (EE/Math) from Caltech and the B.Sc. degree from Tsinghua University, China.
本演讲者在云计算领域有多年的实战经验, 其所领导的公司Anchora有众多的云平台技术落地项目实例。特别是MoPaaS 是Anchora (安尚云信) 基于开源的技术打造的开放的智能化云平台,以满足中国企业级和开发者用户对云计算平台服务解决方案的需求。MoPaaS具有开放、敏捷、智能和安全的特点,特别是MoPaaS平台架构为目标用户提供满足不同需求的计算资源和调配管理,实现应用生命周期智能化管理,包括应用软件开发管理,连续集成,部署运维,监控管理,弹性扩容等。MoPaaS极大减少应用部署、升级、扩展和运维时间和成本。更重要的是,平台让使用者专注于应用本身和创新。本讲演将基于这些实战经验,详细分析开源云平台技术的价值以及开放的云计算发展的趋势,特别介绍怎样利用包括 Cloud Foundry 和Docker在内的开放开源技术构建企业级云平台以及其开放的云服务生态系统,包括实现企业级云平台及其开放服务生态系统实现架构和思路。将对云计算的落地有重要的指导作用。
2012年开始创业,章博士是美国ZHTECH公司的创始人和总裁。公司网址是 该公司主要承担美国政府和中小型企业的互联网项目,以及与云计算和大数据相关项目。章华博士同时是加州大学计算机系的客座教授,为研究生讲授计算机课程。他多次来往于中美之间进行学术交流,技术咨询和培训。
Panelist Brief Bio: Dr. Peter Zhang
Dr. Peter Zhang is an independent consultant. He has over twenty year experiences in IT industry with demonstrated success. His recent work and research are in Cloud computing, big data, and business intelligence. He is also specialized in project management, technical leadership, and IT training.
Dr. Zhang is the founder of ZHTECH Corporation ( He is an adjunct professor and teaches computer science courses in California State University. He also travels frequently to China for IT consulting, teaching and training.
Dr. Zhang is the board member of the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC).